Blackburn Festival of Light Parade 2022

Saturday 17th December 2022

Blackburn Town Centre

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Started in 2011, this year’s Blackburn Festival of Light parade theme is birds. Support the parade taking place on Saturday 17th December 2022.

Blackburn Festival of Light Parade 2022

Started in 2011, this year’s Festival of Light parade theme is birds.

Which birds do you think should join our Phoenix in the parade? Wise owls? Clever Corvids, Proud pigeons, skeins of geese. We’re thinking flocks, migrating or lone roosting robins, murmurations of starlings, cosy nests of curlew, peacock, gull, gliding swan, open cages to flee, free as a bird. It is over to you and your imagination.

Find out how to get more involved on their Facebook Page.

Keep an eye out for updates about the parade via Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and on the Blackburn Festival of Light website.

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