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Ian Swift (AKASwifty - Illustrator & Graphic Designer), Malcolm Garrett (Graphic Designer), Martyn Ware (Musician & Artist) & Tash Wilcox (Illustrator & Graphic Designer),

Conversations in Creativity @ Festival of Making 2018

National Festival of Making (NFM), is a vibrant celebration of Britain’s manufacturing and making heritage.The second edition took place on 12 and 13 May in Blackburn.

In the days surrounding the weekend celebration, Creative Lancashire will presented the National Festival of Making Conference programme, in association with partners including Crafts Council, Lancashire Skills Hub and GF Smith, to name a few.

Programme Highlights:

Graphic Means - Special Preview Screening & Q&A

A premier screening of Briar Levit's documentary about the design industry prior to the introduction of the 'Mac'. Followed by a Conversations in Creativity Q&A session hosted by Dave Kirkwood, with Tash Willcocks (Hyper Island), and Ian Swift (AKA Swifty) and Malcolm Garrett, both featured in the film. 
(Venue: The Continental Arts Space, Preston)

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