Take part in the Museum Freelancer Survey
16 March 2020
The Museum Freelance Network has launched a wide-ranging survey into the self-employed workforce within the museums, galleries, heritage, libraries and archives sectors, because there is a lack of robust data on the self-employed workforce. The Survey is open until 30th April 2020.

Freelancing can be the best job in the world but also – now more than ever – precarious and hard to navigate. The Museum sector lacks robust data on the self-employed workforce which is making it harder for freelancers and consultants to thrive and be recognised as the integral part of the sector that they are.
The Museum Freelance Network has therefore launched a wide-ranging survey into the self-employed workforce within the museums, galleries, heritage, libraries and archives sectors.
It is hoped that the survey results will:
- provide a robust and representative picture of the freelance community within these sectors for the very first time
- enable the sectors to have a better understanding of who freelancers are and their needs
- create an accurate overview of current market day rates and freelance pricing and expose any demographic / geographic variations in relation to fees and opportunities
- provide a picture of freelancers’ contribution – paid and unpaid – to the sector
- provide information to share with the freelance community
- allow them to lobby more effectively for freelancers, especially with sector support organisations and potential client organisations.
The survey is open until 30 April 2020 and they will be making the findings from the survey public in autumn 2020.
The survey can be completed at: www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/MF20.