RTC North and Innovate UK launch new mentoring opportunities for North West businesses
14 December 2020
RTC North are delivering a new service on behalf of Innovate UK. The programme is designed to help innovative companies affected by the current situation. It involves mentoring and coaching opportunities to help SMEs with high-growth potential to thrive.

The Innovate UK Innovation and Growth Services programme is aimed at ambitious, innovative high-growth or high-growth potential SMEs. It provides 5 to 12 days of highly-focused coaching and mentoring over an extended period of up to 12 months.
Experienced advisors will act as a sounding board and critical friend, providing an external perspective and structured approach to support the senior management team of a business, helping to identify and address critical issues to successfully navigate a disruptive environment and to achieve growth and scaling.
Support can address areas such as managing cashflow, funding and finance, staff retention, removing costs from the business, building resilience, R&D and innovation capacity, reviewing business models, planning for growth, developing supply chains, building the customer base and accessing new markets.
Innovate UK Innovation and Growth Services are fully funded and delivered across the North of England by RTC North through the Enterprise Europe Network.
- Bring novel products and services to new or existing markets
- Identify market opportunities for new and existing products in the UK and abroad
- Enhanced innovation management capabilities to reduce risk, cost and time to market
- Have a more defined plan for future growth
- Recognise, value and understand how to protect intellectual property and exploit it for commercial benefit
- Explore and address the organisational changes required within your growing business
Small to medium-sized enterprises (less than 250 employees)
Companies who are current or previous recipients of Innovate UK support, both funding and non-funding interventions.
Ambitious companies already trading that have loads of great ideas but just can’t see which ones to progress or how to progress them.
Applications from visionary companies who are developing or have developed a product or service that could disrupt or revolutionise existing or new markets.
Companies that understand that future trends or technologies will have an adverse impact on their sales and recognise that they need to change and adapt.
Senior managers who are keen to learn and introduce new innovation management processes into their business to enable the development and delivery of new products and services
Find out more about the programme HERE
If this sounds like your business, please get in touch with RTC North:
By email: enquiries@rtcnorth.co.uk
By phone:
0191 516 4400 (North East)
01925 607 040 (North West)
0113 468 9362 (Yorkshire and Humber)