Open Call: British Ceramics Biennial AWARD Applications
16 November 2020
Applications for British Ceramics Biennial 2021 AWARD exhibition are now open! The BCB AWARD exhibition celebrates the vitality and standing of contemporary ceramics practice in the UK. 10 Artists will be awarded £1000 each, with one winner receiving £5000. Application deadline for the 2021 exhibition is 8th December 2020 at midnight.

AWARD is the British Ceramics Biennial’s headline exhibition. It’s a prestigious exhibition that celebrates the vitality and standing of contemporary ceramics practice in the UK. The exhibition is located within the context of the history of British ceramics in the old Spode Factory in Stoke- on-Trent.
AWARD is looking for artists at a critical moment in their practice. This is an exhibition that platforms ambition and creative risk taking within the developing field of contemporary ceramics. It seeks to celebrate the talent and achievements of leading professionals who are pushing at the boundaries of their individual practice and advancing contemporary ceramics practice.
A panel of passionate individuals who are integral to the growth and innovation within the field of contemporary ceramics come together and select ten shortlisted artists to exhibit in the BCB festival.
Each shortlisted artist will receive £1,000 towards the exhibition of work as a central component of BCB 2021 festival. From the ten shortlisted artists, one prize winner is selected, announced and awarded £5,000 cash prize at the BCB awards event during the festival programme.
The selection panel will consider the final selection based on the following criteria:
- The quality of the artists’ proposal.
- The quality and strength of artistic practice and track record of ambition
- The feasibility of the proposal
- The potential impact of the exhibition on the development of the artists’ practice and career.
- A diversity of artists and approach that has the potential to bring audiences new experiences with the material.
Applications are open until Tuesday, December 8th at midnight (GMT).
Note: Applicants must be UK-based artists, who use clay as their primary creative medium.
Full information about the application criteria can be found in the AWARD Guidelines.
For application guidelines (audio and written) and the application form please follow this link.
BCB WEBSITE - Open Call Page: https://www.britishceramicsbie...
Get in touch:
To inquire about your eligibility and to share feedback:
To inquire about access support:
If you’re having technical issues:
Image Credit: Dead Dad Book, Vicky Lindo and William Brookes, 2019 AWARD Winners. Photographer Jenny Harper