Lancashire chosen as a Local Skills Improvement Plan Trailblazer
09 November 2021
The Lancashire Local Skills Improvement Plan needs your views to help shape the key changes needed to make technical skills training more responsive to employers’ skills needs.

Lancashire has been chosen by the Department of Education as one of eight UK Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP) Trailblazers which aims to reshape the local technical skills system to better support the needs of the local labour market and the wider economy.
The Lancashire LSIP is led by the North & Western Lancashire Chamber of Commerce, working in partnership with the East Lancashire Chamber and supported by Lancaster Chamber, and fo course, us here at Digital Lancashire.
A dedicated business engagement team will gather evidence from a wide range of employers of all sizes and sectors to develop a clear plan of what skills provision is required in Lancashire.
This will take place in the form of events, focus groups, interviews and online surveys.
We need your views to help shape the key changes needed to make technical skills training more responsive to employers’ skills need.
The results of this initial survey will provide us with the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding as to where the skills gaps exist and where further investigatory work will need to be undertaken. This is your opportunity to help us make a big difference.
The Lancashire Local Skills Improvement Plan to the government on March 31 2022, after which the Department of Education will determine next steps.
Find out more about the Lancashire Local Skills Improvement plan here.