Creative Lancashire Creative Network Announcement

13 May 2024

As part of our endeavours to encourage equity, diversity and inclusion, Creative Lancashire has announced a rebrand to their creative networking events, previously known as POWWOW events.

Creative Lancashire Creative Network Announcement

In our desire to communicate and support equity, diversity and inclusion, we aim to be respectful of, and sensitive to, cultural differences and the representation of global audiences.  

As such, Creative Lancashire is rebranding our long-standing POWWOW Creative Networking Events, as it has been brought to our attention that the word “powwow” is no longer culturally appropriate for use in this manner.  

As of April 2024, these creative networking events will now sit under our Conversations in Creativity programme brand. 

We look forward to hosting more creative networking happenings in future and hope you will join us. 

Visit our  Eventbrite page to see when the next Creative Networking Event is happening, and book your place.

Further Reading:

Find out more about cultural appropriation and how we can be better allies to indigenous people:

About Conversations in Creativity

Conversations in Creativity is a series of talks and insightful interviews where creatives from across the disciplines explore how inspiration, often from around the world, informs process.

About Conversations in Creativity

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