#BTB23 - Material Memory Roadshows
17 July 2023
If you have a piece of fabric or a textile object that has been handed down through your family, mended and repaired over the years, or travelled with you as you’ve moved from place to place, then BTB invites you to join their upcoming Material Memory Roadshows.

If you have a memorable piece of fabric or a textile object that has been handed down through your family, mended and repaired over the years or travelled with you as you’ve moved from place to place, then the British Textile Biennial invites you to get involved with Material Memory.
This crowd sourced exhibition forms part of this year’s British Textile Biennial that celebrates these cherished items and the stories they tell in the crypt of Blackburn Cathedral.
As part of this project, British Textile Biennial will be holding a number of local roadshows over the next few weeks where you can go along, show them your items and share your stories over a cup of tea!
FInd out more about what's involved below and take note of the roadshow dates.

At the roadshows, the team will take down the details of your item, take a picture and then get back to you if they can include your item in their exhibition. All items and stories will be credited to their owner.
Roadshow Dates:
- Saturday 15th July 2023 (11-4pm) - Pendle Heritage Centre
- Friday 21st July 2023 (11-4pm) - Blackburn Market
- Saturday 22nd July 2023 (11-4pm) - Towneley Hall, Burnley
- Saturday 29th July 2023 (11-4pm) - Accrington Library
If you cannot make it to the roadshows but would still like to get involved, see their website for more information.
Items/Objects must have some sort of connection to Lancashire.
More info about the roadshows on the British Textile Biennial website.
For any further enquires please contact emily@britishtextilebiennial.co.uk